Saturday, March 8, 2008

Her Wish is My Command

Any idea what this is?

How about this side? Does that help? Know what it is yet?

While perusing knitting blogs, I found a post where a woman knit two different versions of Swiffer dustmop covers and tested them out. I thought it was a riot and sent the link to my mother and my sisters to give them a giggle. Wouldn't you know it? One of my sisters thought it would be the pefect thing to use on her brand new hardwood floors. So I whipped one up today in a color that will complement her newly painted walls. Her wish is my command.

The pattern is called Zoom and the mop is meant to zoom all over the floor capturing dust and other unwanted yuck. It can be thrown in the wash when it's dirty and used over and over. Beats buying all those Swiffer cloths and throwing them away.

Here's the mop in its natural habitat:

I'll let you know how my sister likes it. I'll be at her house tomorrow for my parents' birthday dinner. My dad's bday is March 6th and my mom's was March 7th. Isn't that cute?
Speaking of cute . . . here's another Baby Cuteness Cardigan in pink. It's knit for a friend to give her friend for her new baby girl.

What to knit next?


WifeMomKnitter said...

How cool! And you're right. I won't have to waste all my money buying the Swiffer clothes.

The new Baby Cuteness is well...cute!

Happy Birthday to both your parents!!!!!!

WifeMomKnitter said...

Oops.....I meant cloths. Why would you buy the Swiffer clothes?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe that I thought: that looks like a Swiffer cover, and as I scrolled down, it is exactly that! What a great idea. Did you make it out of a micro fiber so it picks up all the dust?

Anonymous said...

I love the sweater, gorgeous color. I'm sure the baby will love
it. The swifter cover is great. I'll bet Kathy's floors don't even get dirty!

jennsquared said...

I was wondering why you made that when I saw it on your Ravelry... Interesting. I would love to know how well it works!